of ClojureCan compile to javascript (the feature ?)
(js/alert "Hello, world!") ; => nil (.log js/console "Log message") ; => nil (.-href (.-location js/document)) ; => http://localhost/
alert("Hello, World!") console.log("Log message") document.location.href
cljs example
(js/alert "Hello, world!") ; => nil (.log js/console "Log message") ; => nil (.-href (.-location js/document)) ; => http://localhost/
namespace(.method instance args)
(.-fieldname instance)
It's recommand to use following template to getting start
lein-cljsbuild is Leinigen pluging for cljs compiler
For boot, we use boot-cljs for cljs compiler setting
4 level
(ns example.app) (defn fn1 [] (println "FN1!!")) (defn ^:export fn2 [] (println "FN2!!"))
Just modify you :compiler
setting and add :target :nodejs
In ClojureScript, we can use clj->js
and js->clj
to cnovert data from js/cljs
lein-doo is a library and lein plugin to run cljs.test on different js environments.